More Information
The Provider Characteristics code set is for use with health care provider information for enrollment and credentialing transactions and their corresponding responses. It is intended to provide codified responses to questions presented to a health care provider applying to or registering with an entity and to report the outcome of such application or registration. It may also be used for responses to inquiries regarding provider participation or registration in a program or plan.
This is not intended to be a comprehensive list of services rendered by a health care provider.
This list was formulated so that the absence of information is a meaningful statement and should describe the most common situation. (i.e. "2S" = x-rays are provided at this location. No data transmitted means x-rays are not provided, "2S" transmitted means x-rays are provided.) New statements should follow this guideline and should be screened so that conflicting information is not introduced (do not add "provider is participating" AND "provider is not participating". Select the least common statement to add to the list).
Where are they used? |
When are they effective? |
Who maintains them? |
How do I request a change? |
Is there a revision summary? |